Challenge 1: Resilience Plan
In Puerto Rico, more than 25% of businesses disappear after a natural disaster or major crisis. This affects the growth and economic development of the country and, therefore, the life of each Puerto Rican. By analyzing the data, we see how lack of planning is the primary cause for these cases to occur.
The challenge:
Develop a Resilience Plan for a business so that it can effectively face a natural disaster. It must ensure, among other elements, that it supports the achievement of maintaining a presence and impact in a community (market). It includes reinvention tools and strategies (accelerated pivot), establishes adaptation methods and promotes a replicable or scalable approach.

General rules
They must form teams of a maximum of three participants.
Identify a business in your community at any scale and sign a collaboration agreement for the development of the Resilience Plan aligned with natural disasters.
Develop the Resilience Plan that must include:
Description and general analysis of the business.
Risk / Threat Assessment (Business Vulnerability).
Specific actions or activities before the crisis.
Forms of communication before, during and after the crisis inside and outside the organization.
Continuity strategies, asset protection.
Reinvention tools and strategies (accelerated pivot).
Adaptation methods with a replicable or scalable approach.
Timeline and implementation agreement.
4. Get an academic to evaluate the plan and include their recommendations. (Provide information about this (a).
Deliverables and Measures of Success
Resilience Plan for a business in Puerto Rico on or before April 20, 2021.
Collaboration and Implementation Agreement.
Academic Certification who reviewed the Plan.
It will be evaluated according to the Rubrics of the SWIG.